Monday, September 27, 2010

WEG 2010 - Monday September 27th

FINALLY I have found a few minutes to sit down at the computer to write. Since leaving work last Tuesday (21st) life has been a hive of activity with little or no free time, a few hours sleep and start all over again. I still had not packed so while Brian was busy loading the car I quickly put together my suitcase, my mind a whirl trying to remember everything. Luckily I had received the Canadian Equestrian Team outfits which were already packed in the back pack we also received.

Remember the dog, dog food, and leash. Boots, cowboy hat, and black jeans. Passports and WEG paperwork. Everything is packed and we are on the road. Later I found out belts and runners were left behind - good we can go shopping!!

We were worried about leaving Gizmo our Jack Russell Terrier with our nephew Dave. Hmm he was so happy to be there he didn't even notice we were leaving without him. By this time it was midnight so we stayed in a hotel in London for a few hours sleep before heading off again at 5.30 am. Now refreshed enough to be excited and making good time, we got to the border and our excitement plummeted.

September 22nd - A very rude guard fired questions at us left, right, and centre. I was going down to work in the US. My Equine Canada letter said nothing about being a volunteer. I had clothing I was going to sell. Our laptop computer in an aluminium briefcase was suspicious. We had to go to the detainment centre, leaving our cell phones and everything but our wallets behind in the car.

I don't know how long we sat there but it seemed like eternity. I was getting upset. We were going to jail, being deported, or at the very best being sent on to Kentucky without the team clothes. None of the above - we beat it down I 75 putting as much distance as possible between us and US customs, everything intact. Brian told me never to cry again in a similar situation as only the guilty cry. What kind of sympathy is that !!

Arriving at the Kentucky Horse Park 3 hours later than expected, we found the horses had safely arrived and settled into their stalls without any issues. Shawna Sapergia and Dr. Wayne Burwash miraculously had arrived after flight cancellations and delays, to meet the horses at the park with two passports for Shawna's horses.

Check into the hotel, find Kerri, unpack, get organized, make sure shuttles were arranged for riders arriving at the airport. Paperwork, passes, van key, golf cart key, more paperwork and information from Kerri and finally Duane Latimer, Lisa Coulter, Vernon Sapergia, and JP Forget arrive. After they have dinner, a quick meeting is held to update the team on the latest information received from a very organized Kerri McGregor and a reminder of a few other important items.

September 23rd - Everyone is anxious to get to the grounds. Brian answered a phone call around 3.30 this morning; Wayne needed the key for the van as a horse was colicing. I barely remembered it but apparently awoke enough to tell Brian where the van key was. The mare seemed fine but every precaution is taken to make sure it remains that way.

As I walk through the barn door there stands an old friend from Ontario I have not seen for awhile plus a couple of friends from the Young Rider competition in July. It is like coming home. Walk across to the arena to find the show office and let Brad (discipline manager) know I am here and to find out when schooling and meetings are scheduled. The extra large binder I chose for this competition that seemed incredibly oversized a month ago is all of a sudden just about the right size.

Wayne wanted to jog the horses to make sure there were no issues to be dealt with prior to horse inspection the following day. They all practice jog well and schooling is pretty low key to make sure no damage is done before the official jog (horse inspection) tomorrow morning. I checked with Shawna to see if she had submitted the form to FEI to get approval to take her medication. Of course not. She has stopped taking the medication. Off to the Secretariat to file the form and hope an answer is quick. Hmmm..... Vern's was sent in but did he receive an answer?

September 24th - A quick breakfast at the hotel - the Marriott Griffins Gate - and off to the grounds early to get ready for the horse inspection at 8. The teams go in alphabetical order. Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada etc. Then each national teams goes in numerical order. Lisa is first and proceeds to present Weg (Western Whiz) to the Ground Jury. Jog to the shrub, walk around the shrub, jog back. Hold. What? What do you mean he didn't pass? Duane and Jake (Dun Playing Tag) are next up and do their jog while Lisa is in the hold box with the vet palpating the leg and pressure testing the feet. Duane, Vern, and Shawna all pass. Lisa is asked to come forward again to rejog. On the way back Weg stops dead and throws his head up. He does not pass.

We are all shocked, dumbfounded, and any other superlative that would explain our disbelief. This is crazy; he looks ok; what can we do? Wayne pleaded our case anyway he could with anyone but "the Ground Jury decision is final". There is no appeal and no 2nd horse inspection. The whole team is totally devastated. We will now have no dropped score.

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